All children develop their speech, language and communication skills at different rates, but here are some ideas of what to expect and when.
Birth to 6 months

From birth to 6 months, your baby:
- Moves their head or body to find sounds when they hear them
- Makes noises when they hear a sound, or someone speak
- Smiles at you or moves their arms, legs, and body when you talk to them
- Listens when you sing songs to them or play with them
- Stops what they are doing when they hear a new voice or sound
- Is startled by loud noises
- Has a different cry to get their needs met, e.g. one cry for hunger and another when they are tired
For more information, see NHS Start for Life 0-6 months.
6-12 months
From 6-12 months, your baby can:
- Look at you when you call their name
- Recognise the name of familiar objects such as “dog” and “teddy”
- Babble strings of sounds such as “DaDa”
- Understand words that are important to them such as blanket or milk and will look for them or point to them
- Smile and laugh back at people
- Get your attention by making noises or pointing at what they want
For more information, see NHS Start for Life 6-12 months.
12-18 months
From 12-18 months, your baby can:
- Join in the actions to nursery rhymes and songs
- Understand words for everyday objects
- Find an object that you name
- Understand two-word phrases such as “more milk” or “where’s Mummy?”
- Say approximately 20 single words such as dog or car, even if they are not clear
- Sit and look at a picture book with an adult
18-24 months
From 18-24 months, your toddler can:
- Understand between 200 and 500 words
- Put a 2–3-word sentence together such as “more milk” or “bye, bye daddy”
- Sit and listen to a simple story and look at the pictures
- Use approximately 50 single words but recognise many more
- Copy sounds and words
- Enjoy pretend play with their toys
For more information, see NHS Start for Life 1-2 years.
2-3 years
From 2-3 years, your child can:
- Understand simple questions such as “Who?”, “Where?” and “What?”
- Make short sentences using 4-5 words such as “Want more milk” or “Daddy read my story”
- Use up to 300 words
- Ask lots of questions to find out the names of new words
- Use action words such as play and run as well as name things
- Understand longer questions such as “where are your shoes?”
For more information, see NHS Start for Life 2-3 years.
3-4 years

From 3-4 years, your child can:
- Use longer sentences
- Sit and listen to longer stories and ask questions about what they have been read
- Understand and use time, colour, and number related words such as “play tomorrow”, “yellow bus” and “two dogs”
- Enjoy “pretend” play such as making a cup of tea
- Describe something they have done such as “played in park”
- Ask lots of “what?”, “when?”, “where?” questions
4-5 years
From 4-5 years, your child can:
- Engage in conversation and take turns talking and listening
- Understand spoken instructions without stopping what they are doing
- Listen to their friends if they are interested in what they are saying
- Join in with rhymes and stories, talk about them and guess what happens next
- Understand sequences such as “First put your coat on, then we will go to the park.”
- Use and understand positional language such as behind, below, in front of
For more information, see NHS Start for Life 3-5 years.
Speech and Language UK also has more information on ages and stages.
The content of this page has been co-produced in partnership with the iHV.