Being a parent or carer can be the most wonderful thing in the world and can bring so much love and joy into your life. We also know that the responsibility of parenthood and the daily challenges of this role can be as daunting as they can be exciting.
The Family Space is here for you. Our virtual family hub offers information, advice, guidance and support for all stages of your parenting or caring journey.
Our nationwide network of family hubs and children’s centres provides services directly to parents and care givers of children of all ages. If you aren’t able to get to a centre or hub, we hope you will find what you need here.
Ages and stages
Other support

Find out more about the other services we offer, such as the Best Start in Life Bitesize sessions and our Parenting Programmes.

Keeping your child healthy
We’ll help you understand how to keep your child healthy, with information on the MMR vaccine and seasonal illnesses like Strep A and RSV.

Oral health
Looking after your child's teeth and starting good habits from an early age will give them the tools they need to keep their mouth healthy throughout life.

Healthy eating
Barnardo’s has partnered with Enterprise Rent-A-Car and the British Dietetic Association’s Let's Get Cooking Team to bring you some exciting tips and recipes on healthy eating while keeping an eye on your budget!

Five to Thrive
This guide looks at the Five to Thrive approach and the 5 key activities that are building blocks of healthy communication and brain development in children.

Nuclear, extended, foster, step, grandparent, single parent, same-sex parents, adoptive, blended - there are many types of families, and we explore issues around parental conflict, siblings, and parenthood.
If the information you are looking for is not available on the site, then please contact us at one of our family hubs, where our dedicated staff will be available to help you. Find your nearest Barnardo’s family hub with our service finder.