Barnardo’s Family Space offers information, guidance and support for all stages of your parenting or caring journey, from pregnancy through to when your child turns 19.
How we write our information pages
Our team of content developers produces our information pages. We have experience of:
- Working in children’s services, supporting babies, children, young people, and families
- Producing website content using reliable, relevant information sources and input from experts
Depending on the topic, we either write our pages with an external organisation or our Barnardo’s team of clinical experts. If we co-produce content with an external organisation, we explain who on the page. We do this when we write a new page and when we rewrite or update an existing one.
We also work with Coram to run regular feedback sessions with a diverse panel of parents and carers from across the UK. These sessions allow us to gather insight and suggestions that help us improve and develop our website.
We want everyone to feel included and welcome when browsing the Family Space. We regularly review and update the information on our website, but please email if you:
- Feel we’ve overlooked something
- Have any accessibility or inclusion needs we’ve missed
Our in-house experts
Our in-house experts also support the production and quality of content.
They are:
Dr Matt Price – Strategic Lead for Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy

Matt is a clinical psychologist who has led and supervised a mental health service in the NHS. Matt also led the Start for Life Mental Health team in the Department for Health and Social Care and is currently part of the editorial board of the International Journal of Birth and Parent Education.
Donna Ryan – Strategic Programme Lead for Mental Health (National)

Donna is a RMN (Registered Nurse in Mental Health) and has 30 years' experience of working in clinical roles and operational and strategic leadership roles within CYMPH in the NHS. Donna is trained as a Nurse Prescriber, a Nurse Mentor, a Cognitive Behavioural Therapist and a Solution Focused Therapist. Donna also has qualifications in leadership and management including ILM 7 and a Post Grad diploma.
Natalie Daley

Natalie is a Consultant in Public Health who is passionate about the health and wellbeing of children and young people; sexual health; and equality, diversity, inclusion and equity. She has an MBBS from King’s College London and a Masters in Public Health from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. She has experience working in the NHS and local authority. She is co-chair of the Faculty of Public Health’s Sexual and Reproductive Health Special Interest Group; and co-lead for the ‘Diversifying the Workforce’ workstream of the Association of Directors of Public Health’s programme ‘Public Health Tackling Racism and Inequality’. She has an ILM-3 qualification in coaching and mentoring.
Una Monaghan

- Associate Medical Director for Hertfordshire Community Trust (HCT) and the Clinical Director of HCT’s award winning Special Care Community Dental Service.
- 30 years’ experience as a dentist with a focus on special care dentistry and particular interest in sedation and reducing patient anxiety.
- Leadership involvement in health inequalities strategy and in multiple projects to support vulnerable people.
Dr Dagmar Zeuner

Former Director of Public Health in various London Boroughs (2007-2023), one of the vice chairs of Association of Directors of Public Health London (ADPHL), and its lead director for Children and for Climate and Health. Trained as general paediatrician with practice in UK and Africa. MD from the Institute of Child Health, London. One of the original members of the first Public Health Intervention Advisory Committee of NICE. Passionate about excellence and fairness in health and health care, currently working as public health advisor, honorary assistant professor at London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, honorary member of ADPH, trustee of the Cassel Hospital Charitable Trust, and local Home-Start volunteer.
Professor Monica Lakhanpaul

- an internationally recognised academic researcher and a practising Paediatric Consultant at Whittington Hospital
- Her research tackles some of the most pressing issues facing families experiencing marginalisation in UK and globally such as early years, nutrition, asthma, child development, mental health whilst addressing important societal issues such as homelessness. She uses participatory research, citizen science, and arts based approaches ensuring that communities are involved in co- developing holistic integrated solutions
Organisations we’ve partnered with to produce content
Knowledge Change Action Ltd (KCA)

KCA (previously known as Kate Cairns Associates) was established in 2011 to bring together the work of Kate Cairns and a group of experienced practitioners and trainers across the UK.
We’ve teamed up with KCA to share their Five to Thrive approach to healthy brain development in children.
Let’s Get Cooking (British Dietetic Association)

Let's Get Cooking is all about inspiring everyone to learn to cook and enjoy good food. They give people the confidence and skills they need to get hands-on in the kitchen and make healthier food choices throughout their lives.
Institute of Health Visiting (iHV)

The Institute of Health Visiting is a UK Centre of Excellence supporting the development of universally high-quality health visiting practice to benefit all children, families and communities.
Lullaby Trust

The Lullaby Trust raises awareness of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), provides expert advice on safer sleep for babies and offers emotional support for bereaved families.
The Sleep Charity

The Sleep Charity is a national, award-winning charity. It’s one of the leading, independent expert voices on sleep issues in the UK and there to help everyone get a better night’s sleep.
Peninsula Dental Social Enterprise

Peninsula Dental Social Enterprise trains the next generation of dental professionals, treats local people, and helps the most vulnerable in society.
Professional Association for Childcare and Early Years (PACEY)

PACEY is a charity dedicated to supporting everyone involved in childcare and early years to provide high quality services, information and advice to children, their families and carers.